Monday, December 27, 2010
Mitch needs new pants!!!
How goes the battle there in the US??
WOW how amazing was it to hear your voices again, But you know it was quite the shocker to hear about several things that are happening there in the states right now.
I miss the crap outta yall but im kinda nervous to come home now. haha crazy.
So Hows Kade doing?? Is he liking the MTC?? That place was amazing, I cant believe I wanted to leave the whole time I was there, I wish I would have just enjoyed it instead. But oh well.
SO what else is new there in the states??? I really dont know what else to say other than that. We pretty much got it all out of us in the last talk, Oh so heres a sign that im gainin a little bit of weight, the other day I was here playin ping pong with the others from the zone for Pday and I bent over to pick the ball up and rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppp a hole the size of a football ripped in my pants. So it was a very awkward rest of the day, I didn't have another pair of clothes so I just walked around like that the rest of the day, and that was about it.
pretty embarrassing though. haha
Well so was Grandma happy to hear from me or anything??? It sure was great to hear from her!!! she sounds awesome!!
SO dont worry about me, im concentrated on the work, the classes really never cross my mind until p-day or when Im talking to all of you, I just don't know what else to talk about anymore, plus I dont wanna get home and be stumped.
Just know that im working and i'm happy here in the mission and that I know that the Lord will take care of everything.
Well I love you all
Tell my boys I love them with all my heart!
Peace out
Elder Beckstead
Some funny stories that happen "Only in Honduras!"
Well here in Honduras were gettin pretty excited to make that phone call home!! Im thinkin that i'm gonna call Saturday at like 3 in the afternoon. So if we're one hour behind, that means that at four your time i'll be makin the call, so be ready and have a list of questions ready!!! ok!!!!
So I hope you all have a great Christmas too, I do miss going to all the kids houses the day of Christmas and seein what they got from Santa, especially Toni's house cause she would always load up on those boys, I would end up playin with all their toys too so it worked out good for me, haha
So haha!! heres a funny, only in Honduras story, So most people here have outhouses.....still, well anyway we walked past some dudes house and got to have the pleasure of seeing him outside doing the number 2. it was sooo neat!! he even saw us and really didnt think anything of it, haha seriously everywhere you go there are people peeing on the side of the road, like even downtown people will just stop what they are doing and pee on the side of the road. It's a little wierd but I think I could get used to it, I've never been to fond of bathrooms.
So another thing that happened this week, I dont know if you all know this but people here are really really small, I tower over everyone here, and weigh like ten times as much as anyone. So the other day were sittin in a lesson and i'm sittin in some guys chair, and the leg of the chair just snapped in half and down I went to the floor. I would have been more surprised but thats happened to me many times in the mission, Im just surprised they don't get mad and make me pay for the chairs.
Oh yeah, another ONLY IN HONDURAS MOMENT, we were in church in the sacrament meeting and everyone is trying to be quiet and keep reverence right??? haha then suddenly I hear someone open a pop can. hahaha it was soooo funny, but something that happens every so often here only in Honduras in your usual sac meeting.
So I have a question, Has tyler called the new coach at ISU about my Scholly?? If he could do that it would be really really cool. I would like to know.
OK the funniest thing Ive ever seen, We had a district meeting last
Thursday and a drunk dude walked in and started making a mockery of things, haha it was soooo funny, we tryed to make him leave but he didn't want to, so we just let him chill there. It was soo funny, he tried to lead music and always wanted to make comments on the lesson. Funniest thing ever.
So yeah that was a little bit of my week, a pretty eventful week if you asked me. It was pretty fun I guess, for a week in Honduras.
But yeah Love you all and Ill talk to you on Monday!!!!
Elder Beckstead
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today is exactly 19 months!!
SO how goes the battle, hows the winter and snow there in the good ole US?? I'm guessin that its getting pretty cold, how about a white Christmas, you gonna have it this year????
So wow, Kade is going out already, thats soooooo crazy. hahah hes just starting. Well it'll be over before he knows it.
So you all better be talkin to my boys about their missions, I'm thinkin that all 7 better get their butts out there, OR ELSE. tell them I said that. haha
So it looks like i'm gonna have to chat with Tori's husband a lil then, I know several people from that area, ive never had a comp from Panama, but I do know a bunch of people from that area. And I know several people that have been called to serve there.
SO you all excited for the phone call?? I hope so, So who do you think all will be there????
So Id send
Tukker a letter but I need his address or somthing, Tell the sucker to get out on a mission and that he'll never ever regret it.
OK so I got all the packages, and I loved them, I was soooooo blessed with 4 packages this week. Chris White sent me one too and I was in heaven eating those twix bars, Tell her thanks, I loved it and its great to hear from her and hear about the familia.
And Mandis package as well, loved that one too, haha tell Chuck to quit slackin eh??? hahah just playin I know she hooked me up with the protein, thanks by the way. I love it.
So I heard the tape....I couldn't stop listening to it. hahaha I loved the part when the little boys were tellin me their favorite book of mormon stories and Colby blurts out, DRIVE SAFE OK!! hahaha I died of laughter.. So was that Jace or Judd that was talkin to me??? I really couldnt tell the difference. hes sounds a lot different. My friends sound soooo weird, Jake sounds normal, and Jakes voice is the same. That was a great part of the tape too, loved it. And tell zac and kade thanx too, they said a lot of nice things and it meant a lot to me. Tell them boys I love them!! Thanks to everyone who talked tell them I love them.
And the photo album, talk about the best Christmas pictures ever, I couldn't stop looking at it. I loved it that much. Im still lookin at it, Kate looks real good. I cant wait to throw the saddle on her and go for a ride. I hope shes trained, Hows Chirp doin???
Well I hope everything goes well, next week we'll get everything set up for the phone call ite???
Love you all and peace out
Elder Beckstead
Monday, December 6, 2010
Whitewashing a new area: La Villa De San Fransisco
Well its good to hear that your all missin me. I miss you all too, this whole Christmas spirit in Honduras makes me miss you all that much more, but at the same time I know that what I'm doing is the most important thing in this world. So that kinda helps a bit, but I'll be home next year so don't even worry about it.
So how are y'all doing, How bout them Pirates, and hows it looking for the basketball team this year???
SO you liked the connection letter huh??? well I think its gonna be my last one so I had to load it with some good stuff.
So its good to hear that the football tradition is still alive there at home, It's pretty interesting to see everyone and there opinions on where they want me to go, I didn't see to many people that said USU but thats all good. Well see what ends up happening there. Regardless the decision will be made after the mission. Like the week after the mission, ahaha
OK so about the changes, So here in Honduras I got a change, sort of.. I'm still with Elder Mcallster but we changed areas, we're whitewashing into a place called La villa de san fransisco. Its a cool little place and the members are really cool and willin to work. We just have to give them a little bit of a púsh and lead them into the right direction. Kinda like a blind person that has tons of energy. So this is gonna be really interesting..
I think well have a lot of success, and pray for it daily so I'm excted..
So I got your protein that you all sent me and I love it. Thank you all so much for that, I love it. But the clothes I havent gotten them yet, and I also got a package from Deon, I loved it by the way. Tell her thank you!!
haha I was pretty excited about Kade too, haha hes a neat dude. I bet he';s gonna love his mission there in So Dakota.
SO im soo excited to talk to you all on Christmas, only 19 more days, haha I guess, SO i'll fill you in more about that after, I would kinda like to chat with Jesse again too, that would be sweet. And of course the usual as well.
Well thank you all for the prayers and everything. Just know that I'm missin you all every day more and more. I love you all and hope things are going well. have A GREAT WEEK.
Love you
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Baptism for a sister waiting a long time/I love the BOM
So other than that it has been another crazy week here. First we had interviews on Tuesday and were helping President get everything situated all day. Wednesday was a normal day, but on Thursday we had to go to Teguz to a ZL consejo. Which was pretty cool, we learned a lot from everyone and Elder Falabella from the area was there. There was a lot to be learned and stuff and we got to eat a lot of food. I couldn't help but think though, what was going on at home with the family. (Thanksgiving) And yes. . .in 27 I am going to be talking with all of you. I am pretty excited about that.
So I talked to President and it looks like my release date is gonna be for the 17 of May, yes mom your birthday. it's gonna be crazy fun but I'm probably gonna be getting home around 10 at night, but I do not know for sure yet. Ha! My friend just said that he has 465 more days on his mission, Ha I can't believe how long I have been here, It's crazy.
So how were the bed races? So are we gong to be able to do that again next year? I'll hook up with some football players from wherever I'm playing ball. We will win for sure!! Well we better. We just have to find two really, really small girls to be the ones to change the robes or whatever.
So yeah once again changes are coming up, we are pretty excited because it sounds like we are gonna have a great group again here in Valle Verde, but we will see. I think we might be changing areas though as ZL's but we will see. I kinda hope so, it is really, really hard to maintain a little branch like this and be a good ZL at the same time. We will see though.
So do you all miss me????? Be honest or are you partying it up without me there? haha So heres a question. . . Where do you all want me to go to school after the mission?? well first you should know that there will be zero decision made here until after the mission, cause right now it's all about the work.
So thats all I got for right now, we are still working hard, next week i'll have some information for ya all about the changes and what went down. I love you all and have a great time.
Elder Beckstead
The missionaries from West Side High School have a connection letter that is sent 2 times a year. This is what he sent to be put in the newsletter:
WOW has the time flown by. How you all been??? It's so amazing to have the chance to be here in Honduras representing the Lord, my family, the ward, and WEST SIDE BABY!!! This work is the work of the Lord and I love it. I can honestly say that I have been able to see miracles here in Honduras over the past two years. The Lord really does work in crazy ways. Well I am thinking that this will probably be my last connection letter. I can't believe how fast the mission has gone by. So after being here in Honduras for more than 18 months, I think that one of the key things that I have learned about being a missionary is the importance of the Book Of Mormon. NEVER EVER fear what people are going to say about that incredible book. As you know the new training has instructed us to use the introduccion more in our teachings of the BOM in the first lesson. I have been reading the part that says, Declare a los hermanos que el libro de Mormon era el mas correcto de todos los libros sobre la tierra, y la clave de nuestra religion; y que un hombre se acercaria mas a Dios al seguir sus preceptos que los de cualquier otro libro. I know that phrase has power to it and if we teach it in a correct way according to the spirit we will fulfill more fully our objective of bringing more souls unto Christ. So the council I give to all those newbies and preparing missionaries is just that, USE THE BOOK OF MORMON IN ALL OF YOUR TEACHINGS, and I promise that you will see more success in all that you do in the mission. I love that book, it has changed my life and my mission, I love you all and I pray for your success daily. May the spirit be with every one of you in your time in the Lords service and may God open the windows of Heaven and pour his blessing over you all in abundance.
Exitos y animos cuates
Elder Beckstead
Monday, November 22, 2010
Hey whats up familia,
SO Im freakin jelous about the whole West Side thing going on there, those boys were always really good at all the sports and stuff, I bet they're lovin life right now. I remember that after we lost at state I hated life for the rest of high school. Dang! but yeah Congrats boys.
So tell Tyson congrats too, thats a great accomplishment, I notced that Kasey Freddy was one of the coaches there on the team too, hahah that made my day, I didn't know that. I bet thats a quality line they had this year.
SO About the work here, ahha
so this week has been a pretty rough one I wont lie, we had to fix a whole bunch of problems that were here in the zone, its all good though. I hope next week gets a little bit better. haha so I'm glad you liked the last email, ha we had brought a ganster to our Pday activities to play soccer with us and he was just standin there behind me the entire time like my body guard or something. I felt so tight, then on Sunday he came to church. He's changin too, I guess hes quiting alot of things he used to do, Im pretty impressed by the guy. The other day he told me that if I ever have any problems with people trying to jump me or anything like that in the street or trying to rob me, he said to have them give him a call and he will ¨take care of it¨ haha fun times. Its good to have the KNOWN guy on your side. I gave him that jerky you sent me and he went crazy, but it was kinda weird cause he said that he had to eat it with tortillas. So it was kinda a mix with Honduras and the States there. haha and he gave me this crazy ointment stuff, cause I pulled my neck muscle, and I put it on and it was amazing, My neck healed in a matter of minutes. So I asked him what is was and he said that it was like an icy hot type thing with marijuana extracts. So I went against the word of wisdom this week. haha!
Thank you soo much for the money, you really don't know how much I appreciate it. Love you guys soo much.(We sent money for a couple of poor members to get married)
So about the little boy, yeah we play with him a little bit, his dream is to grow up and be a missionary just like the two big gringos when he grows up.(a little boy 6 yrs old, with no clothes we sent him some for Christmas) SO Thats the little boy, and yes he looks alot like Blaize. So by the way, the girl that sent me that letter is like 50 years old OK, we baptised her entire family and she is way pilas (strong) in the church now. So no she is not a young girl, that is just how people express themselves here. It's weird and you already have a ´picture of that lady, she's one of the few that were baptized in the picture. (Wayne read me a letter that a girl wrote, and it sounded like she was sweet on Mitch-so I asked him to send a picture)
Allright well like always ha sido un pacer escribiros. os quiero mucho
Peace out and have a great week
Elder Beckstead
Monday, November 15, 2010
Having a great experience with E McCallister/Still don't like spiders!

WOW what awesome emails.
Emails like that make my day every time. 100 percent of the time.
So here in Honduras all is well, haha I was so happy to hear that you all went and took Jake and Phil and Rod out to dinner thank you sooo much. Those guys were my best friends there in college, especially those three, We had sooo many good times. And Chris.
So here in Honduras all is well, were still workin really hard in our area, I've been laughing for a week straight with my new companion Elder Mcallister, he's gotta be the funniest guy I've ever met.
haha and GUESS WHAT, HE CANT SAY HIS G´s either. hahahahaha I die laughin every time he says, han on, whats that thin and I'm the kin. haha good times.
I'd say that he's one of the better comps I've had here in the mission when it comes to being friends and everything and working hard. Were havin some good times right now.
So tell the boys good luck, they better take it to that freakin MALAD wussbag team. Tell Tyson that if he loses I'm gonna fly home beat him up, and then come back and finish my mission, but don't tell Chuck that cause she'll take it serious.
ok so that story was awesome, it reminds me of Jaxon, that kid can take about any amount and any type of toys and turn it into the biggest battle of the history, his imagination is awesome.
So I haven' t asked this one for a while, but hows my horse doing??? I kinda wanna go on some horse back rides when I get home in the mountains you know, that would be sweet, just me and nature.
So guess what, I bought some weights and they only cost me 5 bucks, there made out of concrete, but they still weigh quite a bit, so I'm gonna be workin out quite a bit now, so yeah were good on the weight gainer, I just need to find out how to get some milk haha. PS the milk here is not very good, I tell you we are truly blessed to have Jersey Milk at our fingertips every minute of the day, I remember that every time we would go to get milk, the milk truck always seems to have come the minute before.
So I cant believe that about ISU and the coaching staff, that sucks, I thought Coach Z was doing good things there in ISU, but we'll see, you know the worst part about it is that now im probably gonna lose my scholarship, you know we should probably find out something about that. Thats too stinkin bad, I'm really gonna have to start over again. O well, I'm just gonna have to work really hard. Well see, but I would love to talk to the coaches from Utah State, it would be way sweet.
Alright well sounds like everything is going good there in Idaho. I hope everything still goes well and always does. The work is, like always, amazing. The Lord really does work miracles here in Honduras, I've seen it many times.
O by the way, when you mentioned that about Jake and the spider it reminded me of a certain instance when I was teaching a lesson with Elder Thatcher here in Ojo de Agua and I saw a huge black thing fall from the ceiling and land on me, I thought it was a peice of their roof, seems how there houses are always falling apart. But when I went to look I saw a HUGE SPIDER the size of my hand sitting on my belly staring at me, it was as if the spider was telling me that it was gonna eat me I swear. So I jumped up and ran around the room screaming like a girl for about ten seconds till it fell off me. Then I looked at it on the ground and killed it. Then, get this, the people we were teaching told me that it was JUST A SPIDER can you believe that, JUST A SPIDER, yeah just a spider the size of my dang hand. geez I really saw my life flash before my eyes haha.
So yeah thats something interesting for ya.
Well Ok I love you all keep up the good work and see you next week.
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Short and Sweet
How goes the battle,
Here in Honduras all is normal. We're still holding on trying to baptise a slightly wicked people. You know, if everyone was married it would be a lot easier to get some baptisms here, but we just have to add a huge process on every baptism.
Sounds good about the high school football team. It sounds like everything is going the way we want it to. ha well they better win. If not, im comin after them. ha!
So I hope your getting your letters that I'm sending you. I've sent about seven so far up to this point so if your not getting them let me know cause there is personal stuff on there.
So you'll have to send me the story about the ponies or whatever, So I'm pretty stoked to get the package now, so I bought some weghts to put in my house, oh and by the way, I took out some money to buy some souvenirs in Valle De Angeles, so thats what happened with that.
But yeah I dont know what else to say about anything. This is gonna be a short email.
I really hope that ur gettin my letters.
and tell Dad that I love the crap out of him k.
Elder Beckstead
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So about the food, lately I havent been eatin much of anything, the last crazy food I ate was from a long time ago, lately its just the usual, beans and rice with some eggs. and mantequilla which is a white cream substance thing that Is pretty good with other food. and no I don't live by any fast food places, I live in what they call an aldea, I live really really far from everything.
We have something called pulps, which are little places where we buy food and stuff, but thats it. We have to be really creative with our food choice. tThe weather is about the same, it's hot at times but in the morning its pretty chilly. I like it right now but I literally have a battle with my shower every morning. I HATE COLD SHOWERS!! and my shower is freezing cold. So I have to put up with it every morning and sometimes night, but its all good. Its a good learning experience.
About the internet, I have to leave my area and go to another because we dont have internet. We just come to a place called Zamorano and use it there in a little internet cafe thingy. And yes the computers are not very good and all of them have viruses because of chastity problems many Hondurans have.
Well the week has been a good one, we have been very very busy with interviews this week trying to get some people baptised. We have been really lucky this months in our zone. We have 16 missionaries and we were able to have 48 baptisms in October, which is a new mission record. So we were very happy about that, but a litle dissappointed cuz we wanted to have like 50 or 60. but we're happy. Maybe next month??
I really have to go, sorry. Tell Chuck that she has the go ahead with the protein. I really do need in right now. I love you all and have a great week
Elder Beckstead
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A New Companion Elder McAllister
Whuts up family, well it’s good to hear that you finally got my letter last week. Well I hope you get another this week too cause im trying to send one every week until the end of my mission. It sounds like everything is going well there in the states, I better not hear that West Side looses to Malady again though, that would make me pretty mad.
It's good to hear that my laptop is still in good order, so thats pretty good and my phone, but now that the contracts up im gonna be wanting a new phone when I get back, there are a whole bunch of people that want to call me after the mission too so I hope that number stays the same.
Well sounds like ISU had a pretty good week too, Hahaha thats the good thing about bye weeks. They need the rest too; I hear there going to be playing against Georgia as well, who knows maybe we will be hearing about an upset in a few weeks. I hope so.
So I did have a change, I’m with a new comp in the same area, My new comps name is Elder McAllister from Washington, he's really cool and super chill, were going to be working really hard this change. So yeah im pretty excited about that.
So there is a family in my area here that could use some help, from when you were talking about clothes and stuff. They have a 6 year old boy that has almost 0 clothes, so if the organization wants to send some clothes that would be alright. I don’t know his size; I just know that he's 6.
Well I had a great week here in Honduras, it was getting pretty hot there again for a few days, but now it’s starting to cool down, seems like another hurricane might be on the way or something, which is ok cause now we not going to have many problems with the heat. Man I don’t like that heat.
So you all sound pretty excited that the mission is winding down. Ha-ha I don’t know, it still feels like I have a lot more time to go for me. A winter and most of a school year. So don’t get too excited. We are going to have a good time when I get home though, but im not sure im going to want to go straight to Disney land when I get home? I kind of want to stay on the dl and chill there with the family. I don’t know what you all think about that but that how I feel about that situation. But we’ll see. Right??So i'm about outta time. I love you all very much and hope you have a great week.
Peace out and keep up the good work.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cousin Kade received his call. So Dakota
so NO, nobody here is married, its soo frustrating. the mission is concentrating on families right now, but every time we find a family we have to get them married and stuff, since ive been in my area I've had to pay for 3 marriages, but its worth it cuz all the people that got baptized are pilas and already have callings and stuff in the church. so thats way cool.
So bummer that ISU lost to Weber, I even feel bad for that kicker, I bet there were lot of people really really mad at him. but o well.
All is well here in the mission, just a quick question?? when you mentioned a laptop, did that happen to be my laptop??? just wondering.
So yeah, umm I laughed out loud when I heard Kades call. Im sorry but that just sounds so perfect for him. hahaha everyone is starring at me like im crazy or something.
Ite so what else is new with the future missionaries from West Side. I think there are quite a few of them there. but who knows, I know Brady will be takin off here pretty dern quick as well. so when does Kade leave??
Man when you said you were there watchin football I about died, you don't know how badly I wanna watch football right now. and play it, Today we did play a little bit here in Hondo, but it wasnt anything special. so yeah I played QB though. Oh and Elder Brown did throw me a touchdown pass too. So that was neat I guess. I had fun. Elder Thatcher is way good.
So its good to hear that everyone is doin good and stuff, sounds like West Side has a tough game this weekend, they better win or else. haha who am I to talk with ISU hahaha.
SO about hna dixon, yes I have seen her several times, I have never been in the same zone as her, but I have talked to her several times.
Well its sweet to hear that y'all saw Rod n stuff. haha i loved that kid, hes really really crazy.
but a really good person. Its to bad hes had a few problems there on the team. I just hope things go a little better. Hey have you guys seen Benny Laporta play??? I hung out a lot with him in college too, but im not even sure if he plays anymore, you should find out there for me. that would be sweet. Ite well Thats all for this week. I love you all very much and still hope that god blessses me with a new truck when I get home. hahaha just kiddin sort of.
Love you
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Sweet Baptism Pedro and Olga!!
Well its sounds like everything is going well, and I keep seeing pictures of this freakin adorable girl that I wanna hug and hold soooooo bad, but shes quite a ways a way so im gonna have to wait about 7 months, but when I get there I CALL HER!
OK, So mom, ur Spanish is gettin pretty good there, dont worry, when I get home we'll have some neat chats and stuff, y tambien con la abuela. vamos a hablarnos solamente en el español, a fin de que aprenda mas mi abuela y espero que ella se ecuentre bien y con dios siempre. pues la extraño y pienso en ella diario. y tambien de los demas de la familia. incluso mi tio extraño WAYNE HOLE. jaja
ite? Send that To Grandma and tell her thank you sooooooo much for the support and that I love her con todo mi corazoncito. ja ok
Tell Bruce and Jeri thanks alot too, they are awesome people and I cant wait, tell Bruce that were gonna have a barbeque when I get home.
Its gonna be a good time. You know, im not gonna have to much time to work cuz im gonna be playin it up there in Idaho, and Chris wants me to go to Arizona as well, which would be really, really fun as well, so my summer is gonna be a busy one, but I dont wanna think about that right now.
I gotta keep going hard core in the work. This week we had a sweet baptism, We baptised an old couple, his name is Pedro and hers is Olga. They are awesome and crazy. haha First we married them, then they were baptised in the same day. Hno Pedro already has a calling. So were way excited about it.
So mande saludos a toda la familia. Espero que todos esten bien and tell mi tio whats up as well.
So I got the package today and me and my comp enjoyed some amazing no bake cookies. They were soooooooooooooooooooogoood thank you sooo much. and the tootie fruitys as well. I was in heaven this morning.
LOVED IT thanks soooo much
Well about the classes and major thing, I sent you a letter explaining all of that. so I hope you get it, and I sent some money for Lincoln Mumfords kids and Lukes kids, so they have some cool limpiras. I hope they like them. I was thinkin the other day that I wonder if they still play ball there in the churh in the morning. That would be sweet to play when I get home. ha
I love you all and sorry if my email is boring this week. I'm a lil short on time. I love you all and have a great week.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, October 4, 2010
Success in Villa Verde



Top row: Jaxon, Mitch and Stockton
Well your boys are just fine so dont worry,
How yall doing there in the good ole West Side????
Well here I am lovin the mish still and were trying to get even more work done here in our area, but it's a little hard cuz the zone is having alot of success and we dont have much time, were always running around and working to get marriages done and others things like that. but its good, I like being busy, there for a week we werent really busy at all and I got a little bagy like they say here. SO I gotta stay busy.
It sounds like West Side is doin a good job. thats good, its good to hear about the success.
So about conference, well everthing was awesome, I loved Uchtdorfs talk on Saturday. It helped me out soooo much with how busy we are right now, and I loved all of the talks about families and parents. I really learned this weekend about how great of a mother you really were, seriously thank you sooo much, I dont think I would be here without your help and the boys help, I really am truly blessed.( And dont even think about erasing this part from the main email.) so yeah.....thanks.}
So its great to hear about my boys, make sure they know that I love them and that I am their favorite, ite. If Darbi cant say my name when I get home theres gonna be trouble.
so just so you all know. hahaha
So yeah all of the baptisms went through this weekend I was very happy about that. I'm having a great time in my new area and God really is putting people in our path everywhere I go. So yeah life is awesome.
That sucks about ISU I really wanna know whats going on there in ISU they seem to have potential and then that happens. We really need to find out what to do.
but o well.
Elder Brown goes to a ward thats about 2 hours on bus away from our area. I see him alot, but not really frequently, just Pday and Thursday. and sorry in advance if I happen to eat all the treats you send to elder Brown and Cotton. hhahahahahahaha just playin.( I told him I sent jerky and some treats to him, Brown, Thatcher and Cotton)
well I love you all and hope everything is going well there in the USA
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Things going good in Valle Verde!!
Well hows everything going there in the big USA.
I bet pretty darn good.
Well im still here in the neatest place in Honduras, OJO DE AGUA or water of eye. Its a very interesting place.
but im enjoyin my time here, yesterday we got to marry two couples, so that was something very interesting and fun. the marriage went super well and we are going to be baptising the people conference weekend. We had to get special permission to be able to do that, but thats how were gonna do that. Can you imagine, to be baptised and be able to see the Prophet talk right after. Its gonna be awesome.
but yeah other than that all is well, Its a very busy life bein a ZL, ha! we're always running everywhere trying to get people baptised. Were gonna have a pretty good month though here in the zone Valle Verde, im pretty excited.
SO yeah , whats good there at home, anything new happening, I met a gringo the other day who said the situation is pretty lame with politics and stuff, but we wont talk about that.
Tell Tyler that I hope he is there when I get home, we'll have some good talks about football and stuff.
So yeah tell me what else is new there too, how about West Side football, we better still be dominating and stuff, its sad to hear about ISU but its a little too normal. Really I hope things change around for next year cause I cant stand losing. Tell Grandma to keep up the good work too, ha I told my comp about her the other day about how she still runs barrels and tears it up and he was astonished at how good she is. She really is an amazing lady though, I really need to spend a week or two down there in Salt Lake when I get home to chill wit em. That'll be really sweet.
I cant believe you went and met Elder Carvers mom, haha i was talking to Elder Carver the other day, he is such a stud.
Elder Brown is right here next to me and he says, HELLO. and that he loves you.
and Thatcher says it too.(all three boy's are from here in Cache Valley)
so i really dont know what else to tell yall
but to have good day and week. take care of yourself and peace out homy.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, September 20, 2010
Missionary obtains 40 yrs of knowledge in 2 years!
Well it sounds like everyone there in Idaho is well, i was thinkin about it too and I think that Peyton should be hittin up a whole bunch of football camps to get prepared for high school ball so he can be startin by his freshman year. which is expected. hahaha
So thats to bad about Idaho State, especially cause Northern Colorado Sucks. man they need to get something going there in poky. I wanna play some good ball next year.
Whats new there in Idaho? Here all is the same, we have to marry like 3 people so they can get baptised, which is normal and what not. but were having some problems, Satan really doesn't want this work to progress and its true that he has his own power as well and if the people have no desire to overcome that power, its hard to help them.
So yeah ummmmm in 8 months ill be home, I dont know if you all knew that already, but wow that has gone by really fast. I cant believe how much I have learned over the past 16 months here in Honduras. Its true what Brother Goodrich (seminary teacher)said about that whole thing that a missionary obtains 40 yrs of knowledge in two years on the mission. ha thats increadible.
So Chuck was talking to me about a whole bunch of things going down there in Idaho like a whole bunch of my friends that are married and or pregnant. WOW things really are changing eh???
IM just freakin freakin out hahaha.(guess who that was?)
so yeah
um what else is new here, haha nothing. Oh yeah, so about that one thing with the young womans. ( the RS and the YW are having an activity and wants the missionaries to tell why they feel that the Young Women needs to encourage the Young Men to go on missions) Honestly I dont think I could be here without the example that they gave me, and imagine, I want to marry a perfect girl, which means I want to marry a girl that has a testimony of the gospel. And every girl in college that I would have married hahaha told me that they would never marry anyone unless it was a returned missionary. It's true cause missionaries learn sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much in these two years and really obtain a testimony of this beautiful gospel. Plus a testimony of the temple and a more powerful desire to go there with there family. So I dont know, id say that every girl should wait for a returned missionary. And im not just saying that cause thats what I will be.
so yeah i wrote that fast, hopefully that makes sense.
So what else is new there in the states, I met a gringo the other day and he said the situation there is gettin pretty ugly. Im not sure if I really want to know.
well thats all i got for tday. love you all and have a great day
Elder Beckstead
Monday, September 13, 2010
Changes. . . Valle verde/Ojo de agua/ New comp. . .
sorry I dont have much time today but ill see what i can do in the time that i have, if there are errors sorry, like i said the computers are not very nice.
Ok well your right I did get a change and guess what, I'm comps with another cache valley boy, his name is Elder Thatcher and i'm way stoked, I think you already know him more or less, but yeah we're here together in a little place called ojo de agua. This place is alone though, were literally in the middle of no where and if I thought there wasn't much food in my old area, I was mistaken cause here there is nothing, hahahaha. Im gonna be cookin alot.
So yeah im way excited about this change and Elder Brown is also in my zone, he is actually my DL here in Valle verde so thats way awesome too.
So that sucks about Idaho state, but dont worry, next year we'll be better, hahaha but yeah that coaches name in steve amrine or something like that and he is the safteys coach. Hes way cool i think, i dont know I never really talked to him to much.
So yeah about the goin home early thing, im leaning towards extending so far, but im not sure I need to think more about it cause I really am gonna need to gain a lot more weight before football and get a lot faster as well, so well see what happens with that whole thing.
So whats new there at home, sounds like boys football is tearing it up, thats a good thing.
So tell me where kade ends up going.
The work is awesome the only problem that we have is that we need to help like 4 couples get married and we'll be able to have a lot of baptisms but until then were still looking and working hard.
Well I have to go, sorry, but I love you all very much and hope you have a great time there in the USA
Elder Beckstead
Monday, September 6, 2010
Whats UP?????
Hows everyone doing there at home. so sorry if there are errors in this mail, the space bar does not work very well.
So first of all, tell JD that he's a stud and that i would love to help him out when I get home, but tell him to be ready cause im gonna get into it pretty hardcore.
about that, well I dont know, when would you like me to come home???? I could go home before mothers day if you would like. I personally would like to,I think,to have more time to get ready for ball. Seriously, im gonna start that year at ISU or wherever I go so I need all the time I can get. I have to start. But Yeah my finish date is the 17th of May, but I could be home for the 10 if you write me a letter saying that its ok I just need to talk to my president. I would like to extend instead, but I cant leave football behind for that long.or i wont be as prepared for the season.
So yeah, we have changes this miercoles,(Wednesday) and im pretty sure ill be leaving my area and moving somwhere else, but i'm not sure. I would like to stay another change, but well see.
So that comp there is Elder Contreres, he's from Costa Rica, Gardner left a long time ago.
WOW ISU won, im sooo stoked right now,haha even though it was western montana. But i think that will help us out a lot for the rest of the season.
Just think, I would have been there if i would have played for western montana and not ISU. hahaha what a good decision.
So after tomorrow I have 5 changes left, how weird is that. Time really is flying by, and I know I dont want it to end yet, I have to do all I can in these months to tear this place apart and baptise all the catrachos (Hondurans)I can. jajaja
O yea, think about it, I really am thinkin about being there like the 5th of May too, man but I dont know.
We'll See im gonna talk to president, but tell me what you think.
So yeah Alonzo is the older one in the back, the two elders and he had ties. so thats how you can tell. so yeah.
This keyboard is killin me, so im gonna go before I lose my patience.
Tell everyone I Love them and ill see you next week.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, August 30, 2010
His convert baptised someone!!!

This is probably one of my favorite e-mails yet. . . His mission dream was fulfilled this week!!
Alright before I send you some pictures, you always ask me about the work and I always tell you about how busy I am. Well I decided to send you a picture of some cool things that have happened here in my area. So yeah we had a very successful week, um in this picture there are 3 families, one of the families has a very interesting story. The mans name is Jose Lainez and he had a very hardcore problem with smoking and stuff like that. So one day I was walking down the street and I saw some guy walking next to us, so while walking with him my comp starting talking to him, at this time I was on divisions and was with an elder named Elder Rivera, well anyway he started talking to him, and he invited us to his house, so we went to his house and talked to him about the gospel and three months later he got baptised and confirmed a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and brought 3 friends to church to see his confirmation so were gonna be teachin three more families from him. It really is very important to talk to everyone being a missionary, I can literally say that I have seen miracles happen. This man, Jose Lainez, smoked 40 cigarettes before and now ZERO and used to drink coffee and now doesnt and his family are now members of the one true church on this earth.
Well there you are a neat picture. O and the one with a tie is Alonzo, and the bigger lady and two of the young ones there are from referels that Alonzo gave us. ha he got to baptise them on Saturday, which was my dream in the mission, My convert was able to baptise someone else while I was still here. I truly have been blessed. Now you always ask me for a neat story, so I decided to tell you one. But dont be hoping for too many more, cause many of them are sacred to me and things that will change me forever. So there it is.
Love you all
Elder Beckstead
Monday, August 23, 2010
Well another week has come and gone here in the hearth of Central America, the work is really going well and I LOVE THE people here. For this weekend here in the zone Choluteca Norte we are working really hard because there are a possible number of 21 baptisms here in the zone, but im really nervous because many of the baptisms are really ify, So were gonna work our hardest to try and tear this place up here this week. but well see.
So yeah
So the other day our ward mission leader showed up to our mission correlation with a shirt on that said ¨all I want for christmas is- santas list of naughty girls¨ haha I asked him if he knew what it meant and he said no I thought that was pretty stinkin funny!
So today for P-day we did something really fun, we played football again. Man that was sooo worth it too, I miss that game soo much. Seriously, the other day, just out of pure curiosity I ran a 40 yard dash and timed it, I ran it in 4.70, which is a lil slower than before and not good enough so im gonna have to start runnin alot more again. As for food, we usually ask the members to hook us up with food, but they never give us enough, so I always have spaghetti there in the house waiting for me for when the works done for the day.
So the other day I taught a workshop class to our entire zone, this was like 4 weeks ago, but yeah during that time I challenged every missionary to only teach with the book ofMormon, well every missionary in our zone. I seriously have gained such a strong testimony of the book of Mormon in the little time I have in the mission. That BOOK IS AMAZING. I know that the faster that book is in the hands of an investigator, the faster that person progresses and or gets baptized. It's really incredible some of the things that have happened here due to the book of Mormon.
So yeah I got my camera Fixed and no I have not seen any bugs lately and yes the iguanas are everywhere. as for the weather, Im going crazy. I wake up in the morning and its hot, and brutally HOT HOT HOT, then at around 5 every day, it rains. But it doesn't only rain, it POURS and gets everything allll wet. Its awful. I come home everyday to a wet house with wet clothes and wet everything. Im sooo tired of that. I just want one of those normal days we used to have back in Idaho, with out the crapy weather, or maybe they'll send me to Teguz where the weather isnt as bad.
whew Im just glad im not in el triunfo, haha there the weather was bad and we never ever had any power either. hahahaha just things that happen here in the mission. count ur blessings.
I would tell you the most important thing I learned, but that would go against conduct. Some things I keep between me and My journal. Sorry I just dont like sharing some things with everyone.
well thats all i got, really as time goes on I run out of things to say cause for me, well im used to the life here now, nothing really stands out to me anymore. Im really runnin out of things to say. well have fun and peace out.
Elder Beckstead
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Not much to say!!!
So hows everyone doing? The boys, the sisters, the parents and grandparents, and well everyone?
So I really enjoyed ur emails, but I haven't recieved any packages lately i'm not really expecting any though due to the fact that I thought you were done sending them, but ill keep an eye out, and dont worry, if I get an umbrella I won't be able to use it, seriously it doesn't rain here, it pours and an umbrella really doesnt help so I just soak it in, literally. hahahahaha
Please thank Grandma and Grandpa for the money. . From me.
Well I really dont know what to say today Ill have more to say next week. Love you all very much!
Elder Beckstead
Monday, August 9, 2010
Miracle of a Priesthood Blessing
(e-mail from Mandi to Mitch)
Oh, here is a story for you. We went camping with the Moser's the past few days, and the first night Parker fell into the fire, not just a little fire, his body was completely laying in the fire, it had been burning for hours so lots of hot coals too. I saw him and it seems like it took me forever to grab him, although it wasn't even one second, and I just knew that we would be on our way to the ER, I immediatly poured the closest cold thing on him, which was Kool-aid, and I was asking him where he was burned and he was of course screaming and yelling his hand. I was asking him where else, and he said just his hand. Mitch, I know it was a miracle, someone was looking out for him, because he was just burned on his hand. It wasn't even near as bad as it could have been. It's blistered up and stuff, but wow, his clothes didn't even get burned. In my mind I can still see him laying in the fire, and I don't know how he was only burned on his hand. TOTALLY a miracle, some little angel was helping him I just know it. Tyson was in the weightroom and hadn't made it back yet, so my brother in law gave him a blessing and in the blessing he blessed that Parker would get better through the night (he was in lots of pain). Parker didn't sleep too much that night, he kept his hand on ice, and whenever it fell off, it would really hurt, but when he woke up in the morning the first thing he said was, "Hey, that guy was right, my hand doesn't even hurt anymore". His hand hasn't really bothered him much since. It was scary, but a good experience for Jaxon and Parker to see how a blessing can really help out. Well, that's all I've got for now.
Dear family, whats up
Wow that thing sounds pretty scary with Parker, freak you know its true, that does sound like a miracle and sounds pretty legit as well, im tellin you, here in the mission I have gained a really strong testimony of priesthood power and of the power of blessings. It's crazy, many people don't believe, yet they ask for a blessing anyway. So nothing really ever happens, but then they really get desperate and humble themselves completely due to their condtion, They always seem to have more faith and the blessings always seem to work. So yeah I'd say that the mission is a very humbling experience. You gotta love it.
So here in Hondo so far it has just been raining alot. I'm so tired of rain. During the day it's way, way hot and then at night it rains soooooooo much. One time it rained so hard that I was completely soaked within 1 minute, i'm talkin my entire body drippin wet.
They say here that it's never been such a wet, rainy season. its rediculous.
But yeah, the work continues as usual, we're really concentrating on familias right now here in the mission and I've realized that familias bring more trials and challenges. But in the end the reward is so much more worth it. That's an amazing thing I'll tell you what.
So all my friends are gettin home and startin off all over again with the normal life, thats so weird. I swear the other day I thought they didn't exist anymore, I haven't seen those guys in soooooo long. I wonder what it's gonna be like to see there faces for the first time in 3 years. Im not sure how im gonna feel in that moment, surprise or what. I do know that i'll be way happy.
And yes it will be an amazing moment when I walk down that airport. I'm not sure how I'm gonna treat it. I'm probably gonna pee my pants, so that might ruin the hug situation, im sure Chuck would hug me anyway. hahaha!!!
So Alonzo is a stud, this week he brought a family of four to church with him and now were teachin them and its really crazy were workin so hard and trying to get a whole bunch of people married here too, and thats stinkin hard too, i'll tell you what , bein a zl in the south is kinda stressing. hahaha but Elder Falabella said that anything worth anything in life is stress'ful. so yeah the faster I deal with the stress the better right.
Im still strugglin to believe that all my buddies are all pretty much home, thats just weird.
theres like 40 of em.
And I'm last! I guess my welcome home is gonna be the biggest by far. ha sweet.
So I dont really know what else to tell you all, everyone wants to hear a story but I really don't have any at all on the mind.
This week i'll think of one and write it down and then write you all next week with something.
Well thats all I got, love you all soo much and have an amazing day ok.
Peace out
Elder Beckstead
Monday, August 2, 2010
New Companion-another Eder Contreras-from CR

HEY HEY HEY whats up family
how are you all doing, well its sound awesome just as I am here in the south in Choluteca Honduras its very interesting here and very humbling still as always.
So That is soooo awesome about Chuck and Mandi, hahaha I couldnt help but chuckle a little bit at what happened to Chuck there, I just thought about how mad she would have been. haha she is crazy.(they both competed in a biathlon Saturday-they made Chelsi/Chuck go back and tell them her number so she was not happy about that because she has a number pinned on her and written on her arm and leg) But congrats to both of them in the race, next they need to try a triatholon, hahaha after Mandis next child that is. Im thinkin that here pretty quick another ones gonna come outta no where, I think she'll have 4 in total, thats probably gonna be my goal, that is if I have time before the second coming.
So things here are normal, were still workin hard, but I did have a change and that was awesome, I have a comp from Costa Rica right now, and he speaks a litttle English but not much. so yeah His name is Elder Contreras, so he's my second comp with that name. But I loved my last comp with that name so well see, so far all is very well. But we are a little stressed out with alot of work thats been going on. But little by little were gettin caught up. Man Im startin to love this work, literally more and more everyday, and I wanted a Latin comp again and I got one so im way excited.
SO about the rodeo, thats unfortunate about Grandma and Terri, but theres always next year. And guess what, next year I will be there and be ready to cheer on Grandma as well. How fun is that gonna be but were done talkin about that, haha im not that trunky. I will say this, once again im gettin the strange realization of that the mission will end eventually, which is kinda sad I think. I thought about it today and if they made me go home for some problem that there might be here in the country I would be sooooo upset. WOW I love this place, not cause its well developed by any means, but because it Honduras. haha crazy place.
So about Spanish, I think those test are really easy, well from what I hear. So im thinkin well get those 16 credits pretty easily. Im, sure if I can hold my own in a conversation here in Honduras I should be able to pass the test, seriously its sooo weird being able to understand the language here, like reading and stuff for me is not quite yet like english, but gettin there. ITS SOOOO WEIRD and an amazing talent that I will be able to use forever, what a blessing that God gave to me to be able to be here in Honduras and talk Spanish and learn it. Im stoked.
As for the schooling stuff. Dont worry to much about all that stuff right now, just know that id like to register and when we talk in December we'll talk about the rest of the stuff, Plus I get two calls a year so ill probably call ya in like March or something due to the fact that ill be home around Mothers day. But dont get too excited aout that yet ITE.
Well I love you all and it was amazing to be able to email you all again today and tell you how thankful I really am that I have such and amazing family and friends, how truly blessed I am to be able to grow up in a place like Clifton Idaho as well. WOW what a blessing, God really was looking out for me as I pray that he looks out for each and everyone of you all each and everyday.
Take care of yourselves and don't do anything stupid alright.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mitch runs into Elder Cole Richards at Mission Office/Read D&C 4


ok so first of all I want you all to know something. I love my mission more than you will ever think, I love the people here in Honduras and I am willing to give up whatever it takes to help the humble people here become richly blessed. So dont worry, The only reason I talked about football was because time really is flying by, and I dont want to miss the chance to get ready, besides, im not doin anything. You are all doing it for me.
SO DONT WORRY if you have any questions read one of my favorite scriptures in D&C 4. I love that scripture.
OK so now we got that out of the way we can talk some more football. hahaha just playin!!
SO Alonzo is freakin awesome, this Sunday he told me that he was in love with the church, haha he shows up 30 min early everyday and the dude loves me. ha and I do admit I love that guy, I need to help him get to the Temple in December~ prepare him that is.
So yeah, I still do not enjoy traveling either just so you know, in fact today I had to go to Teguz again and drop off an elder, and when we got to the bus stop, it was full, so we had to stand in between the seat for 3 hours until we arrived to Teguz. Wow talk about a miserable ride.
So my comps name is Pojoy (pohoi) just until Wednesday though, haha that dude can talk the ear off an elephant. but I love him. haa thats exactly why I love him too, is cause he's him and nobody else, its neat how every person has their own special features, like cars, hahaha i gotta get home and find me a sexy red chevy.
So the pics were awesome by the way, Darbi really has grown up alot, I cant wait to see her in 9 months and to kiss her little head and hold her, she better not cry you know. I know she missed me the most in the family. hahaha
Speakin of cars, how bout that truck eh. haha there are no question mark thingys on this computer so sorry for the gramatical errors.
So yeah, Today something amazing happened, I saw and talked to Cole(Elder) Richards haha hes grown alot and he speaks in a deeper voice. ha Wow that was neat seein him there in the mission office and givin him a big hug. we chated for some time, he looks really good and like he's lovin life and thats a good thing. (Cole is a lifelong friend of Mitch's-went to school from grade school to graduation with Mitch. They played all sports together. Cole is in Honduras, Comayagua-Mitch thought they'd never meet)
So I met Elder Zolmans family, haha they are so cute. His mom and dad are awesome, they came and ate lunch one day at the same place I was eating. At a members house, and so I saw them and stayed for the cake. It was awesome.
So yeah, thats my week I love you all and have a great week.
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Change of Companions/Fun activity-Watched Remember the Titans-made him think of Football!!!
So whats up family, wow I can't believe another week has gone by, but at the same time I can't believe Cole never wants to arrive at the year mark. WOW crazy that dude must love it here. I should bring him here to the south after the mich, this part of Honduras is completely different, hardcore different. (Cole is his friend who is in Comayagua Honduras-closer to Tegucigalpa)
SO im gonna have to go down to San Marcos again and talk with those people from the states about all that stuff. The medics and stuff.(I told him that I read that a medical team was going there for a week or two)
SO sorry I wrote so late, I had to plan an activity today, and the food took wayyyyyyyyy to much time and so I had to clean up and fix everything, you know life was a little easier before I become a zl, haha but I'm learnin soo much its crazy. Seriously. I never even thought about some of the things before and now I have to learn to work with them, hmmmmmmmm lets think of an example, well sometimes when you get a good lift in, you wake up the next day with soreness in places you´d never thought existed. haha thats kinda how it is. Weird, I hope you understood that example. If not well sorry I speak Spanish all day long.
By the way about that, I got a new comp, kinda, there was a problem in the zone this week and we had to seperate to a compañonship. We seperated that companionship and my comp went with one of them and I took one of them here in my area. So I have a new comp and his name is Elder Pojoy from Guatemala, haha neat huh, his name is Pojoy. haha What a funny name, I give him crap for that all the time. its fun. but yeah, I think my time with Elder Gardner is about over, BUT WOW, I can see how people don't get along with Elder Pojoy, haha he's super weird. ha really I realized how much calmer I've become. When he got here, im just chill and put up with his crap and relax, but other people cant take him. ha He's a great guy and really tries hard, but fails. haha thats a bad way to put it, but its true. :)
OK so that picture of Jesse killed me, hahaha that made me a lil baggy, that dude is living it up isn't he. he looks way good. I miss that fool,(I sent him a picture I found on FB of Jesse~he is in a lawn chair with a cowboy hat and sunglasses on fishing)
By the way I have been keepin in touch with Jace and Ricky and Sid but thats it, I know nothing of everyone else.
Wow I just got soo excited to hear about my horse, ( I told him his horse is now broke and I am riding her-when he left she was not trained) im gonna ride that sucker when I get home, I cant wait to go on a long horse ride by myself just chillin, that's something I really do want to do, and buy a really fancy pair of wranglers and a cowboy hat and hit up some rodeos. ha that would be interestin, can't you just see me with my huge butt jammed in a pair of wranglers,(at this point no!!) wow thats gonna be a sight to see. We'll have to take pictures, about that, when I get home, I dont wanna go buy new clothes until the end of summer, cause I have a feeling that im gonna put on about 50 pounds there in the first few weeks. Eating good ole American fast food, yeah thats right a number 12 from Big Jays with not one but two bean burritos with sour cream, haha here if you ask for a burrito its a certain plate of food that everyone eats, traditional plate of food.
So im workin on takin alot of pictures, like I said, I broke my camara so I had to fix it then I'm gonna take pictures, So dont worry, im workin on it.
OK so about football, I want Tyler Gohring or Brown, or Tyson Moser, to kinda help me out with a few films. If ISU doesnt hold my scholarship, im gonna go somewhere else and play I think like walk on at Weber. So well see about that, but try and get that info out so its easier, I need to know by next January. I'm gonna keep workin out, I think im gonna run alot more here in these next few weeks to keep up my speed, I tell you what the air down here really sucks.
But I will say this, I dream, about playin football every night and whenever i'm lost in thought I think about football and my family. I'm not even kiddin you and today we watched remember the Titans, so im gettin really antsy. So if you could get that done for me that would be super dooper awesome. thank you.
well I duuno what to tell you, we're teachin a family right now, and they came to church on Sunday, but the dad has to quit smoking and he's been addicted for like 30 years , so were gonna get him baptized here as soon as he stops smoking, you shoulda seen it, haha 3 hours without a cigarette about killed him. But hes gonna make it.
Well thats the update, i kinda rambled off there for a few seconds, but I really would like to know about this football information. so please HELP ME OUT
ok and dont worry i keep communication with ISU as well, but I want more options.
so yeah thank you
well volvceremos a celebrar juntos
I love you all sooooooooo much and cant wait to see you again in 10 months.
Peace out
Elder Beckstead
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
What's happens each day for Mitch!!!
So I need you to do me a favor and have Tyler Gohring e-mail me. I need to ask him a few things and have him do me some favors for football if thats alright. Ive been in contact with Ricky and Sid and they sound awesome, but not quite as awesome as Jesse who seems to be loving life quite a bit. They are all either home or very, very close to gettin home which is awesome. I bet they were amazing missionaries. I'm way stoked to see them in a few years. wow ten months, I really thought I would never be at this point, I give my comp a lot of crap cause he doesn't have a year yet, haha and when he has a year ill have 15 months, I swear time just keeps going by. The month of June went by really slow though.
Today we had an activity in a place called San Marcos, its awesome, seriously this place is sooooo cool. It's super hard core, like clean and neat and there are amazing people everywhere, its great. I wanna be here someday. But it'll be a while before I could be here. But yeah life is just tiring. I'm exhausted and need to sleep but can't because there is no time. That's one thing about the mission, busy busy busy every day, I'm this close to freaking freaking out. hahaha I wonder if you can remember where that quote is from. But yeah I love you all and have a great day ok
Elder Beckstead
Monday, July 5, 2010
4th of July-Mitch appreciates USA
So whats going on there in the little state of Idaho, I love that email from Elder Magoffin, (Elder Magoffin just returned from Teguz-I shared with Mitch how his mom described his reaction to being in the USA again-below) thats the first thing I wanna do when I get home as well, lay out on the grass and then the carpet, and then my beautiful bed that I have downstairs, then go for a drive in (My new truck that ur gonna buy me) :) haha or my Saturn with all my boys. haha wow ten months crazy.
So tell that dude(Tyrel) thats going to San Pedro Sula that their rules and stuff are different, but the gold bond is for sure a need. HE NEEDS IT haha and the mosquito repellent isn't so important cause they have tons here in the mission, but tell him to get extra garments and t-shirts because thats what he'll need. water bottles and stuff and tell him to get ready for baleadas(tortilla's) cause hes gonna be eatin a TON over the next 2 years, BUT THEY ARE AMAZING so dont worry about it. just give him my email address and i'll be glad to answer any of his questions. lo que sea. (whatever)
Things really are not very interesting right now, just the same.
Last week Elder Falabella (First Quorum of the Seventy) came to the mission again just for the zone leader conference to give us some more tips and to see how the mission was. It was super awesome and I gave the guy a hug so I feel a lot more powerful now. That man is awesome.
Everthing in the area is the same though, The work is getting kinda frustrating here because the people won't do anything, we'll teach them all day long but they never want to move from there house, haha but we just have to drop those and move on to the next.
we are sooo lucky to live in a place like the United States, when I get home, YES I AM GOING TO KISS THE GROUND the first time I see bare ground or grass. ahahahaha Here you can't touch the dogs or pet them unless you are absolutley positive that they are clean, cause if not you get lice or some bug or something. I cant wait to pet a dog when I get home. haha I dont care which one, just a dog. Im sure i'll be kinda nervous though.
So enjoy our time there in the states and within 10 months ill be there with you all kissin grass and pettin dogs and liftin weights.
So yeah thats the update from here in Honduras, I love you all and keep busy there in the life and avoid the dangerous things ite?
Love you all
Elder Beckstead
The folowing is from E Magoffins mom Tracie:
This is my last post on the group... our son returned last night (rightaround 11:30 pm) and we are thrilled to have him home. Two formermissionary buddies showed up at the airport... Elders Guernsey and Foster(and E. Foster's fiance), and that was fun, too. It was great to see thebond our boys develop while serving the Lord together.We stayed up until about 2:30 am (most of us) and 3:30 am (Dustin and twoof his brothers) and we were up at around 7:00 am. I'm sure we will allcrash this afternoon. The release time is 3:00 pm, so Dustin willprobably keep up enough energy to head off and see some friends as soonas he is able.It's been fun to see how grateful he is for the blessings of living inAmerica, having running (and drinkable) water (hot or cold), grass,carpet, being able to see the stars, a cool breeze... and he keepscommenting on how clean everything looks. (He even commented on howclean our concrete slab is out back... and it hasn't been swept oranything lately.) The first thing he did when we drove up to our houseis get out and sprawl out on the grass for quite some time. The firstthing he did when he went in the house was sprawl out on the carpet. :)He had a wonderful last week on his mission, traveling with the JenkinsFamily. (Thanks, Jo Raye!) His mission had it's challenges, but he learned so much and had some amazing experiences that have made a big impression on him. We are so grateful he chose to serve. Best wishes to all of you as your sons and daughters serve the Lord ontheir missions in Central America!
Tracie Magoffin
mom of Dustin
(Hon-Teg 7/08- 7/10)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Adams Report/Making Tortillas/Alonzo still hard at work
Sister Adams mostly talked about the medical end of it, helping the boy's out by giving them instruction when they arrived. She gave them the 10 commandments of good health. And the most impressive thing to me, was different than here in the states, she would give them medical advise over the phone.(many of the Elders are many miles away from the city where bro and sis Adams served) Most every missionary gets sick with the same symtoms-stomach ache, diarrhea, fever~so she has to talk to them over the phone and tell them how to take care of things. Sister Adams gives the credit to the Lord for the help so often on how to get these boy's feeling better and back out to work. It was amazing and inspiring to hear about it.
Brother Adams told about Honduras being the most dangerous country in Central America. He talked about there being guards at most all buildings. He said every business is guarded. I guess you are searched before you enter a bank and sometimes just random road searches. He talked about the people there being very poor, but happy. He told us that the country of Honduras (including San Pedro Sula and Comayaguela) has around 500 baptisms a month. The problem after that is the retention. So the missionaries have their work cut out for them. He also talked about the Missionaries being safe. He said that if they were doing what they were supposed to be doing the Lord would bless them. He testified of our missionaries including Him and Sister Adams being watched over by our Heavenly Father. At the end of his talk, he encouraged everyone young or old to go on a mission. They loved it. They talked about the missionaries being their family-while they were away from their own. He also encouraged mothers raising boy's to make them tough so when it comes time for their calls, they would be ready in case called to serve in a place like Honduras.
There were also 2 returned missonaries there. I know one's name was Elder Anderson, and the other one I forgot his name. But they both knew Mitch and E Anderson said he gave him his football when he left. It was so fun to visit with them.
I also had a great time going with the Browns. Robert said today how neat it was to know and visit with someone who also had a son in the same mission as your son is. It is really fun to get to know the Browns. They are great!! And Justin is a great missionary.
In the e-mail from Mitch today, he gives me a recipe that I asked for from the family who was in the ward in his last area. They fed Mitch a lot and I wanted to try and cook tortilla's the same way as Hermana Martinas does. So he got her recipe and transcribed it for me. I am going to try to make them for the boy's!!! Wish me luck:)
Dear Famili Que Honda:
Ok first things first, here is ther reciepe for baleadas
2 libras de harina- 2 pounds of flour
2 cucharadas de soda- 2 spoons of baking soda
1 huevo -one egg
Aceite y agua- oil and water, how much I dont know it doesnt say obviously. haha
Sal y azúcar- salt and sugar
Agregar a la harina las dos cucharadas de soda, el huevo, sal y azúcar al gusto
Add to the flour the two spoons of soda the egg salt and the sugar to your taste
Echar todo en el centro y revolver
put all of it in the middle and stir
Empezar a amasar con agua, luego se le agrega un poco de aceite hasta que despegue de las manos y la masa este suave y sin grumos
Comenzar a hacer pelotitas con un poco de aceite en las manos
Dejar reposar por una hora y taparlas con una manta
Después estirar en un plato con un poco de aceite para que despegue más fácil.
Al estirarlas se deben poner en el comal no muy caliente ni muy frio hasta que tenga la apariencia de una tortilla con sabor más o menos a pan.
Se puede llenar con frijoles y mantequilla
También se puede agregar huevo con jamón.
Aguacate o pollo o cualquier carne si quiere puede intentar como sabe mejor
Ok im gonna send that to you all, and see if you can translate it, if not just let me knoiw and next week I will translate it for you all,
So how goes the battle? Thats soo neat you all went to their homecoming. I dont know who that would be that was with me for three days, I really don't remember, maybe an Elder Smead or something like that, or an Elder Gardner??? im not sure but it could be one of them. And yes I know who Elder Anderson is, he's a great guy and yes he gave me his football so now I have a football here in the mission. Its awesome,
So what else did the Adams familia say about Honduras?? anythintg neat??
They were really amazing people, she helped me with several sicknesses that I've had hahaha.
So i'm gonna answer grandmas message today, im stoked to see how thats goin for her, ojala q le vaya bien va, pues yo lo se porque ella es buenisima. But yeah, if she has any questions just tell her to let me knoiw.
So how's the summer going, All is well I hope, Man I just imagine how neat everything is there, workin all day and then the weight room at night, haha then from time to time a shake at Big Jays, haha good times. Man it feels like just yesterday I was there workin out with the boys from West Side. Man I miss those days, and high school football, intense.
SO Ill be sure to tel Alonzo that(I told him to say hello and we pray for him) haha he brought another old dude to a lesson the other day, haha so now he has another buddy at church. Just so you know, Elder Anderson was here in my area when he was here in the mission.
So yeah Its good to here from you all again, I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Elder Beckstead
Monday, June 21, 2010
Still in the South- Alonzo is awesome!!!
esa cancion llega. (we think this say's when I return-we will celebrate not quite sure??)
So whats up there in the north, where the people have blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair?
Here in brown eye black hair town all is well, The peoples hearts really are startin to soften up and the mundial is really humbling the people.
but yeah me va todo cheque and im so thankful for a family like you all, I just want you all to know that, your amazing and I love each and everyone of you with all my heart.
So about the homecomings, really there is not a single elder here that I do not like. Go to the homecomings and enjoy them alot, I love elder Magoffin, I was only in one zone with him but everything was awesome and we had alot of fun. I was almost his DL as well but something happened and I wasn't at the end.
And yes, you are crazy!! jajajajaja
But yeah about changes, we did have changes but I didn't have any, Elder Juan is gone now. I'm still with elder Gardner, which is alright. We get along just fine. We have a few different interests and ideas.
I had an amazing experience this week, remember Alonzo that we baptised, well this Sunday in church he came up to me and asked me how to pay fast offerings. Turns out he was fasting and wanted to give the money to the church which is amazing because like less than half of the members here do that. Man this guy is awesome, by baptizing him, I can really say that I have changed the life completely of another human being, He is SOooooooooo happy now and everytime we see him he´s got his book of Mormon out and is reading it. He´s amazing really. I love this guy.
Thank you all soo much for the prayers, We really do feel them here in the mission field.
and thank you all soo much for the money, You have no idea how much that helps me here in the south, in the north I dont really spend anything, but here the food is really bad and you don't receive as much nutrition so I have to buy more food, it sucks but thats how it is, and if I dont buy food I lose weight and that's not a good thing.
thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much.
SO its great to hear about the family and about my boys, and my new little girl who I will get to know within a year Woooooooo well 10 months more or less.
I bet she is just adorable. uhhhh I cant wait.
Well thats All I got for this week I hope you enjoy it and I will talk to you all next week. Love you
Elder Beckstead
P.S take care of my boys, that includes dad.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Three e-mails!!!
To mom and dad and I asked a lot of questions:
Whats Up Whats Up.
Well first to answer the questions, I feel fine, im takin some pills that are helpin me out a ton, but dont worry, I think it was a bladder infection, but still members in my ward want me to go to the clinic, and really that place is aweful and I dont wanna go. So we will see, but I'm working and everything is fine.
OK well what made me sick was some food a family gave me once, the lady has nothing and was super nice to give me food, but she's not real clean, and I got sick from it, but like I said, don't worry I feel fine now,
And dont worry, Im drinkin good water, We bring in pure water in bottles and that is what we drink so dont worry about that, they purify it here in Honduras and a member owns it I think so dont worry. (what a relief)
Ok I'm sorry to say this, but you dont need to ship me anything. JUST MONEY PLEASE, do not waste money on packages and just send money, If I need something I will tell you but i'm buyin some neat things right now so im almost out again I think. Just send money or put it in my account or something, I just wanna buy a few more neat things and i'm done.(I guess I will just send $$$$$$)
Yes I got my package from Zach's report, its was super cool, but the dude sounds a little different, i'm not sure how to explain it but just different.(Zach is his cousin that returned in Feb from his mission)
Yes I got the Gramh Crackers and yes they were amazing, I loved every second of that, but like I said, dont worry about that, Dont worry about packages, just send money.($$$$ OK OK OK ) haha I dont want to sound harsh, So please just letters and money, NO more newspapers either cause its against the rules, if there is something cool, just save it and I will read it when I get home. Thank you.
As for the clothes, I will look around but really there is nothing here in Honduras. Seriously all the clothes they have are clothes shipped in from the states, but I will definately look around for you. See what I can find. (I asked him to buy me a skirt from there-I'm curious what he will find)
Yes I have my camera, but its broken and I have to fix it I think, which is gonna cost me like 1000 limps. So it might be a while before I can fix it, but yea i'll have her done here pretty quick.
NO that P-day happened in Teguz where Enique R. Falabella (first Quorum of the Seventy)was at, I was here in the south when they had that cool party thing.
As for food, we just kinda bum around here lookin for food, there is a sister that gives us food but I dont really like going there becasue she doesnt give us very much food and all it is, is beans and tortilla, seriously though, come on, at least throw some rice on there.
Well yes I do in fact know elder Mann, he is actually an Elder here in my zone in Choluteca North. I know him very well actually.
(I am going to try to make tortilla's so I asked him if they all have those things that make them or do they mash them down with a rolling pin or what??) About the tortillas, it all depends on the person, some people make a lot of tortillas so they have a lot of machines and stuff, but others just make them from time to time so they dont make as many. So it all depends.
Yes we do have changes this week to be exact, really i'm not sure whats gonna happen but I can tell you all that I kind of want to have changes this week. IM tird of the situation that im in. So were gonna find out about all this here pretty soon Im thinkin.
And yes Elder Juan was my comp and I can tell you that really, he is one of the favorites that I have had, He's a stud haha even though he got in trouble he's still a great kid, he just needs someone to push him and he's fine.
Alright so there it is, hopefully I got some of your questions answered, So it's crazy that all these people are gettin married and stuff, its kinda trippin me out actually im surprised that Raquel didnt even wait a year, so who is she gettin married to??(his friend Josh who is in Riverside Ca. old girlfriend) Do you know???
But yeah next week Ill inform you all of changes and what happened here in Honduras.
Love you all and will talk to you all later.
Elder Beckstead
To Mandi:
whats up whats up, so all is well here in the south, kinda missin football I wont lie but I can't do anything about that, If there is something Ive learned here in the mission its this, If there is nothing that you can do about it, dont waste your time worrying about it. Some things are so hard but you just gotta keep going and forget and push the things behind you. so yeah, the pictures are awesome, Chirp is freakin huge by the way and it looks like you added on to the pen that you all had there, which is neat.(chirp is our pet lamb) Zach sheared his wool today-he learned how to shear sheep on his mission. On the reservation in Az.)
Well I love you all and Ill talk to ya later
Elder Beckstead
To Chelsi:
HAhAHAHAHA Im gonna need a pic of Colby in his t ball uni, hahaha what a neat kid.
OK so its official, im dying, I have the cutest neice in the entire world and I can't hold her and won't be able to for another year, IM freakin out right now. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well 11 months hahaha, dont worry i'll be home before you know it. but yeah chuck (Chelsi's nick-name)I love you to death and send me some pictures Ite!!
thanks love
Elder Beckstead
PS I still have bad breath :)