Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Short and Sweet

Whats up Family,
How goes the battle,
Here in Honduras all is normal. We're still holding on trying to baptise a slightly wicked people. You know, if everyone was married it would be a lot easier to get some baptisms here, but we just have to add a huge process on every baptism.
Sounds good about the high school football team. It sounds like everything is going the way we want it to. ha well they better win. If not, im comin after them. ha!

So I hope your getting your letters that I'm sending you. I've sent about seven so far up to this point so if your not getting them let me know cause there is personal stuff on there.

So you'll have to send me the story about the ponies or whatever, So I'm pretty stoked to get the package now, so I bought some weghts to put in my house, oh and by the way, I took out some money to buy some souvenirs in Valle De Angeles, so thats what happened with that.
But yeah I dont know what else to say about anything. This is gonna be a short email.
I really hope that ur gettin my letters.
and tell Dad that I love the crap out of him k.
Elder Beckstead

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